Thursday 22 November 2012

Away but never really gone

Fuhhh~~~ Haven't been writing in a long long time, partly nothing strikes me hard enough to write while a whole lot of other reason is I was just plain lazy.

What has changed from the last time I scribbled around?

Well, for starters, I attended my graduation ceremony. A bitter sweet experience for me, part of it is that I managed to graduate while at the same time, it also means a few goodbyes to the ones who were on the 3 year journey alongside me. Most of who I cherish while some, may not.

Mood for that incident = "Every Little Thing - Nostalgia"

Following that, it was also time to get a job. Well, my results were anything close to anything that would make people turn their heads so all I get was rejection one after another (actually I never got any reply from them so kinda jumped into that conclusion) or is just offered for something that isn't what I am looking for or worse, something totally different from what they offered on their site. Fortunately, I found one or rather, they kinda found me. What they offered interested me so I decided to give it a go. Been 3 days so far, yet to have anything to really be fussy about so long may it continue.

Mood for this incident = "Depapepe - Start"

Enough of current issue, now to my thoughts:

Well, some may know that I play some the piano as well as the guitar, took some classes for the former, none for the latter. So, it strikes me around last week, why did the thought of taking out guitar classes never crossed my mind. Well, I guess partly because, my brother took some classes before and for me to be slightly different, I opted to venture into another instrument while self learning guitar leisurely. Every time as I go deeper into understanding the guitar, the more lost I get when I am following those instructional videos that I managed to get, more like the case of "I know what to do but do not understand what they meant". Now, I want to know more. I guess last time I always hid behind the reason that I do not have the transport necessary to fulfill my interests or had to work within a certain budget but not anymore. Now I am thinking further and hopefully, I get to write something new in the future.

Steve Vai once said "Music is another form of language (referring to the notations on a score sheet), and it fascinates me to understand it."

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