Thursday 2 August 2012


A new month, gonna write a new post.

As the title suggest, I do some sort of workout at home, some push-ups and sit-ups but that was it before I came along HASfit on youtube. It is THE thing I am looking for all these while. They provide routines that can be done from home with minimal to no equipment at all. I find paying for the monthly fee for gym memberships is too heavy for me and with such discovery, I couldn't be happier.

There was once I said that working out at home doesn't really get me sweating much, but now, I would like to go back to 'Past Me' and give him a tight slap. The videos help me a lot as they will guide you through the whole process, giving tips as well as motivation to push yourself. At the moment, I still could not complete the whole routine and need to make some adjustment to build my fitness up.

Oh well, enough of me talking, go check out HASfit on youtube. See whether you can find anything that suits you and it's FREE. No harm trying =). Below is what you'll find there and one that is making me soaked in sweat. *Note, I do not own the video, credit goes to the owner*

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