Monday 29 April 2013

Something worth writing about


I think i deserve some credit for remembering my blog's log in password after being inactive for so long.


*you beauty~~

Meet my new mate, my new girl, my new axe. Yet to actually name it like what I did to my laptop, might just keep it that way.

That ladies and gentleman, is a PRS SE Paul Allender signature model. Although not exactly like what the artist uses, but its a close enough replica. I have it for almost 1 week now, and still cannot take my eyes off its beauty, in addition, it sounds great especially its clean tone which is very refreshing.

Well, this guitar marks the first thing of significance, in terms of finance, that I have saved up for and finally owning it. I guess it is just part of growing up, can't just save and not spend right?

What's next? Well, my next target is a trip to LONDON!!! Let the savings begin....

Thursday 22 November 2012

Away but never really gone

Fuhhh~~~ Haven't been writing in a long long time, partly nothing strikes me hard enough to write while a whole lot of other reason is I was just plain lazy.

What has changed from the last time I scribbled around?

Well, for starters, I attended my graduation ceremony. A bitter sweet experience for me, part of it is that I managed to graduate while at the same time, it also means a few goodbyes to the ones who were on the 3 year journey alongside me. Most of who I cherish while some, may not.

Mood for that incident = "Every Little Thing - Nostalgia"

Following that, it was also time to get a job. Well, my results were anything close to anything that would make people turn their heads so all I get was rejection one after another (actually I never got any reply from them so kinda jumped into that conclusion) or is just offered for something that isn't what I am looking for or worse, something totally different from what they offered on their site. Fortunately, I found one or rather, they kinda found me. What they offered interested me so I decided to give it a go. Been 3 days so far, yet to have anything to really be fussy about so long may it continue.

Mood for this incident = "Depapepe - Start"

Enough of current issue, now to my thoughts:

Well, some may know that I play some the piano as well as the guitar, took some classes for the former, none for the latter. So, it strikes me around last week, why did the thought of taking out guitar classes never crossed my mind. Well, I guess partly because, my brother took some classes before and for me to be slightly different, I opted to venture into another instrument while self learning guitar leisurely. Every time as I go deeper into understanding the guitar, the more lost I get when I am following those instructional videos that I managed to get, more like the case of "I know what to do but do not understand what they meant". Now, I want to know more. I guess last time I always hid behind the reason that I do not have the transport necessary to fulfill my interests or had to work within a certain budget but not anymore. Now I am thinking further and hopefully, I get to write something new in the future.

Steve Vai once said "Music is another form of language (referring to the notations on a score sheet), and it fascinates me to understand it."

Monday 13 August 2012


I'm not a guy that is into literature as most of the time I would have trouble understanding what I read in poems or writings of similar kind. However, one has been stuck in my mind, after watching the movie "Invictus", which is based on the true story of Nelson Mandela, the poem interest me to a great deal. Maybe even more after hearing Morgan Freeman reciting it.

By: William Ernest Henley

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

Thursday 2 August 2012


A new month, gonna write a new post.

As the title suggest, I do some sort of workout at home, some push-ups and sit-ups but that was it before I came along HASfit on youtube. It is THE thing I am looking for all these while. They provide routines that can be done from home with minimal to no equipment at all. I find paying for the monthly fee for gym memberships is too heavy for me and with such discovery, I couldn't be happier.

There was once I said that working out at home doesn't really get me sweating much, but now, I would like to go back to 'Past Me' and give him a tight slap. The videos help me a lot as they will guide you through the whole process, giving tips as well as motivation to push yourself. At the moment, I still could not complete the whole routine and need to make some adjustment to build my fitness up.

Oh well, enough of me talking, go check out HASfit on youtube. See whether you can find anything that suits you and it's FREE. No harm trying =). Below is what you'll find there and one that is making me soaked in sweat. *Note, I do not own the video, credit goes to the owner*

Wednesday 25 July 2012

A Dream Came True

Arsenal came to town on the 24th July 2012 and had a friendly match with the Malaysian National Team. After missing last year's game due to my finals, I never thought I would ever get to see them here again but I was wrong, happily proven wrong I might add.

I was quite a surreal experience watching my favourite team right in front of me as I was used to seeing them on the television, I did not know how to react but due to the fantastic atmosphere around me, I just continued to cheer on. The support from where I was sitting was tremendous, cheering on for both teams and showing appreciation when players try to make something happen on the pitch. I was weird for me as I wanted Arsenal to win but watching the Malaysian team playing, I cheered as well. The game had to end, and I soon head on home, satisfied. It was definitely the best day of my life so far and I hope for more of the same =).

On the down side though, I was a shame for me as I did not get to share such a special moment personally with someone special. I'd seen a family, a dad, his son and his three daughters, all clad in the Arsenal kit and walking into the stadium while there are also many couples, guys' arm around the girl all over the stadium. Just cannot help but realise that I was alone, with no one to share with but with the 22 players in front of me throughout the 90 minutes, I guess it was enough =).

Sunday 22 July 2012

Is there one?

"Why is the clock even running, if my world isn't turning?"

"You tear into pieces my heart, before you leave with no repentance"

Wanted to share a ballad, by a Brazilian Power Metal/Progressive Metal band called "Angra". As I talked about progressive metal, now I would do a little introduction on power metal (PM). In PM, one would normally find that the lyrics are a little mystical or somewhat like a fantasy. In addition, they usually do not sound too heavy and goes with a fast tempo helped on with double bass kick drums which I absoulutely adore =).

The song, as I interpret it, is about the waiting of a loved one, either he/she left or is dead. As I am now, still waiting for my moment to come. Still waiting...

*Note, I do not own the video and all credit will go its rightful owner*

Saturday 21 July 2012

What if?

Above is a piece, called 'The Spirit Carries On' performed live by one of my favourite bands, Dream Theater. I would recommend my readers (if there are any) do listen to it.

I once wrote on Facebook, if only I have known the band earlier than I have now, then I guess pursuing a full time career in music won't be that distant of a dream after all? Maybe it's the way I brought up? It is only now, upon the completion of my degree course that I realise, there were other paths opened to me 4 years ago that I never realised. All I heard back then was business is the way to go and in choosing management, I had to fight for it as well as my dad wanted me in accounting which I never liked. I wanted to try out in culinary but all I had was negative feedback then..

As I looked back, I could had ventured into the field of sports management or sports science, sometime I know I really like and passionate about but I choose my path and now I need to keep moving forward. This reminded me of a piece of literature I came across in my schooling days "The Road Not Taken".

Enough of those nostalgic moments, the above masterpiece, believe or not is also part of metal. Metal is not all about loud music, hand banging, booze drinking, profanity shouting or a bunch of angry people making music, that is another genre of metal which I, a metal head also do not really appreciate. This one above is more of progressive metal, where the piece is structure in a way that the lyrics never really gets repeated as the music is delivering a story, that's progressive metal in a nutshell.

I enjoy metal mainly because I enjoy watching and listening to awesome guitar riffs and solos. That guitar intro there, got me in tears once ='). In addition, metal bands ALWAYS perform live, which is another major plus unlike what is happening with autotunes or lip-sync that is all too common during performances nowadays.

That's all for me this time, hope you enjoy your short stay on my blog =)