Saturday 21 July 2012

What if?

Above is a piece, called 'The Spirit Carries On' performed live by one of my favourite bands, Dream Theater. I would recommend my readers (if there are any) do listen to it.

I once wrote on Facebook, if only I have known the band earlier than I have now, then I guess pursuing a full time career in music won't be that distant of a dream after all? Maybe it's the way I brought up? It is only now, upon the completion of my degree course that I realise, there were other paths opened to me 4 years ago that I never realised. All I heard back then was business is the way to go and in choosing management, I had to fight for it as well as my dad wanted me in accounting which I never liked. I wanted to try out in culinary but all I had was negative feedback then..

As I looked back, I could had ventured into the field of sports management or sports science, sometime I know I really like and passionate about but I choose my path and now I need to keep moving forward. This reminded me of a piece of literature I came across in my schooling days "The Road Not Taken".

Enough of those nostalgic moments, the above masterpiece, believe or not is also part of metal. Metal is not all about loud music, hand banging, booze drinking, profanity shouting or a bunch of angry people making music, that is another genre of metal which I, a metal head also do not really appreciate. This one above is more of progressive metal, where the piece is structure in a way that the lyrics never really gets repeated as the music is delivering a story, that's progressive metal in a nutshell.

I enjoy metal mainly because I enjoy watching and listening to awesome guitar riffs and solos. That guitar intro there, got me in tears once ='). In addition, metal bands ALWAYS perform live, which is another major plus unlike what is happening with autotunes or lip-sync that is all too common during performances nowadays.

That's all for me this time, hope you enjoy your short stay on my blog =)

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