Friday 20 July 2012

Migration 3

This was also wrote on 29 November 2009, titled: "DISC"

Remember I mentioned about DISC (a damn accurate personality test) and I am a Type C? Well, a Type C person, is generally regarded as a perfectionist, a person who pays a lot of attention to little details, a persona normally in the background, one who relates to the past a lot and one that is quite reluctant to change. Well, those are some of the characteristics, in which I am seeing more clearly in myself. As you can see, based on the previous posts, I do a lot of referring to my past and in other cases as well. So, proven.

Being a perfectionist, it differs in my point-of-view, as I would like things to go the way I envision it to be, as how it was planned. So, in a way, proven as well.

Paying attention to details, I think I can categorise myself as being obsessive with this. Well, its just m so its definitely proven. Besides, I am always more comfortable with the security of being early. For example, when I pack my bag for anything, albeit it being a school day, a trip or even an outing, I'd go to the extend of 'double' checking my bad, time after time after time. Besides, if you ever get the chance to see how I manage my playlist, some would say I have too much free time. I can go to the extend of make sure, all spellings, capital letters and spacing of each word is how it should be. That's just me :p

Reluctant to changes, in the real life I am still ok but when I am gaming, I'm a different animal and that's where you can see. I prefer an order and my own style of organisation, if you ever played Final Fantasy then it may be easier to understand. The main character for me, must be the strongest character, if he/she died in battle and did not gained any experience points, causing him/her to be behind, then I'll go the distance to make sure that he/she gets back in front. Go figure how I do it. Once again, quite true.

Well, what I actually wanted to say here is that, I do not know whether understanding my own personality through the test was a good or bad thing. Cause, sometimes I find myself, living the way to suit what the definition says. I gave myself a shock when I actually realised it. Well, hope its not like that, although some of the things I am doing now had already started way before I took the test. So, hope I am still normal =).

My second most dominant traits within DISC is 'S'.

S is usually described as submission which relates to patience, persistence and thoughtfulness. How I remembered it was as the one who maintains the harmony within the group.

My third traits is 'D'

D is seen as dominance which relates to control, power and assertiveness. Someone who does not think too much and just go ahead to get the ball rolling.

In last place for me, is 'I'

I is seen as inducement which relates to social situations and communication. It is easy to identify an 'I' person, someone who is never out of ideas and can just talk about almost anything.

When I took the test, the counsellor asked each group (at that time, we did not know anything about DISC) to draw something, anything on a piece of paper. The result was astonishing, the Ds drew a fire-breathing dinosaur which was seen as power and dominance. The Is, drew tonnes of things and ran out of space, showing qualities of endless wits. The Ss, drew a group of people holding hands and forming a circle, showing harmony. While the Cs, we drew an egg shaped figure, and intricate designs within it which we described as 'simple design' while the Ds were shaking their hands vehemently.

So yea, we were also told that there is no one best traits. Each needs one another to ensure things go smoothly. We need a D to get the ball rolling, I to contribute ideas, S to keep the group together while C to deal with the details.  

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